Flight IIIa Okinawa class frigates incorporate the latest upgrades in open architecture command systems, replacing the orginal seventies ones. The improved sensor systems of baseline 8 phase 4, which incorporates Cooperative Operations Systems and adapted Snoopy sensors from the Apollo development program. Originally the Okinawa class was to be limited to a production run of a prototype, pre-production of a Low Rate of Initial Production (LRIP) and then to two full flights of a few hundred hulls. The prototype, NX 150, was launched in 2275 with the first Flight being built 2278-83. A second Flight II batch was built from 2285-89 with improvements made to the sensor and command systems, incorporating the latest enhancements to the DCLD.
The ratifying of the Khitomer Accords in 2295 brought a new requirement for frigates to reaffirm the border of the Federation and patrol the Klingon border. Another requirement for the new supply of frigates was to replace lost members of Okinawa Flight Ia and those whose hull members were considered life expired. Starfleet's Advanced Starship Design Bureau (ASDB) quickly rejected calls for a totally new design, opting for an upgrade of the successful Okinawa class, both for the speed of restarting the construction lines and their capacity for growth and multi-mission flexibility. Yards across the Federation quickly adapted operations from refitting Okinawa vessels to constructing new Flight IIIa and refitting the upgrades to the Flight Ic and Flight IIb vessels.
Okinawa class has been successfully shown an ability for flexibility and multi-mission swap-out mission modules. Variations on the Okinawa class include: police corvette, comando special forces, ELectronic INTelligence (ELINT), Suppression of Enemy Area Defences (SEAD), science version and diplomatic courier. In addition, Okinawa vessels have been used as a small, adaptable testbed for future starship technology. All the signs are there for a Flight IVa Okinawa construction and future upgrades. This successful hulldesign is destined to remain the Starfleet frigate design for the first half of this century.
The Okinawa class starship has 8 decks, summarised as follows:
Deck 1: Main Bridge, Antimatter tanks
Deck 2: Officers lounge, briefing room
Deck 3: Officer quarters, Crew quarters
Deck 4: Sickbay
Deck 5: Transporter room
Deck 6:
Deck 7:
Deck 8: Torpedo bay
Okinawa class starships are smaller than Oberth class ships and are classed as light frigates/ corvettes. They have a token torpedo supply of 10, with more added as the situation demands. These ships act in a scout role and go on short duration missions. The Okinawa class frigates [FF] are also primarily used in a police and patrol role. An officer ranked Lieutenant Commander is usually the Commanding Officer. The mission duration of the Okinawa class, independent from starbases, is 12-24 months.
U.S.S. Okinawa, class doyen NCC-150, was destroyed during a classified encounter. Subsequently Excelsior class NCC 13958 was named Okinawa in tribute to the sacrifice of the small ship. The Okinawa class vessels were built in the smaller Starfleet construction yards. Clyde Yards, Hamburg Yards, Lorient Yards, Baikonur Yards and the famous Oakland Shipyards were amongst those which produced these vessels.
The Interceptor has two shuttles:
01 Keen
02 Agile
Author's Notes:
Okinawa class is taken from Interplay Games 'Klingon Academy'. The ship also features in Starfleet Command 1 and 2 and also in Starfleet Command: Orion Pirates as the Federation frigate. We 'know' the Okinawa must have been destroyed since a canon Excelsior class ship named Okinawa is about during this timeframe - later Benjamin Sisko of DS9 fame will serve on this ship.
Okinawa is named for the Pacific battleground of the Pacific Campaign in WWII. There are various Okinawa class starships named by fans and I will try to include them here. U.S.S. Interceptor is named both for the excellent, but short-lived game show on Channel 4 in 1989 starring Sean O'Kane in the titular role and it is also named for the ship of the same name in the film "Pirates of the Carribbean". Sean O'Kane is the source of the motto catchphrase for the ship, it being the one he used in the show, along with an eagle screech.

Author's Notes:
The Starfleet Okinawa class starship is very much like the contemporary Royal Navy River class Offshore Patrol Vessel (OPV). The River class batch 1 has 45 crew - 13 officers, 14 senior rates and 22 junior rates.

Okinawa class Copyright © Interplay Games. All Rights Reserved.
Okinawa class and bridge images Copyright © Howie Day. All Rights Reserved. Used with permission.
Okinawa class images Copyright © Andrew Brown. All Rights Reserved. Used with permission.