U.S.S. Chaser, Captain's Log stardate 11383.5, Lieutenant Commander T'lorsa commanding. The Chaser has arrived at the planet Vaarati V, joining the starships Valkyrie and Excalibur which are on station here. The studies at Vaarati V have taken on a scale similar to those at Xythis IV, involving a large portion of the Starfleet scientific community.
The linguistics teams are excited, for reasons that are known only to a select few. It appears that the language discovered being used at the ruined civilisations here is similar, or identical, to one encountered before. Starfleet Intelligence has not been forthcoming as to which race this is similar to, nor are the starship library computers producing any matches. In the light of operating in this circumstantial non-forthcoming nature, I find our mission here to be hindered at best, a waste of Starfleet resources and time at worst.

The starship Chaser arrived at a mystery. One that was unresolved from decades before, and a First Contact mission by the Potemkin. Whilst studying the ruined city of V'sche'chk, copious amounts of linguistic data was discovered in what has been dubbed as the 'Great Library'. Tricorders have isolated approximately 30 - 40 glyphs which have been labelled as alphanumeric glyphs or symbols. Very little in the way of translation has been possible using tricorders due to the lack of information on the language. Various experts from Starfleet Intelligence linguistics department travelled onboard the Chaser in order to begin the monumental task of translating some of the texts within the Great Library.
End of classified information.
Authors notes:
Translating the text in the city of V'sche'chk [and the other cities, towns, villages and hamlets] will take a great deal of time. Even with the expertise to hand, an alphabet could be months away from finalising, and then begins the mammoth task of translating all of the texts that the archeologists can uncover. Given the technological difference between the Federation and the inhabitants of Vaarati V, there then begins the task of beginning the path to understanding the technology and culture of the planet's inhabitants. Rather like discovering contemporary Earth abandoned when you come from Biblical times. You have to not only understand the language [assuming there is only one], but you have to get to understand the technology and anthropology of the people[s] you are studying. No doubt Jean Luc Picard will have read various papers on the continuing studies on the Enterprise-D and -E.
Oberth class arrangement
Deck 1 Bridge, conference room, officer quarters, mess hall, lounge.
Deck 2 Shuttlebay upper deck. Enlisted crew quarters, gym, laundry, cargo bay.
Deck 3 Shuttlebay main deck, cargo bays, escape pod access, cryogenic tankage.
Deck 4 Sickbay, life sciences, transporter, main engineering, computer core, life support, waste recycling.
Deck 5 Deuterium tankage, jeffries tube to secondary hull
Deck 6 Deuterium tankage, jeffries tube to secondary hull, plasma flush vent
Deck 7 Deuterium tankage, jeffries tube to secondary hull, deflector generator, structural integrity.
Deck 8 Science/cartography sensor array, science labs, communication buoy magazine.
Deck 9 Science/cartography sensor array, science sensor processing compartment, buoy/torpedo/probe workshop,
Deck 10 Science/cartography sensor array, aft sensor compartment, life support, batteries.
Deck 11 Science/cartography sensor array, batteries.
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